
  • 60 mins

  • 3 sessions of 60 mins each
    Usually 1 to 2 weeks apart.

    Book at your convenience over 6 weeks. Each adjustment is cumulative and builds upon the one before. Sessions will be tailored to meet your needs and goals.

  • 3 sessions of 60 mins each

    The adrenals, which sit just on top of each kidney, orchestrate a multitude of different functions throughout the body. Already in high demand, the addition of chronic stress in our lives can cause them to get stuck in “on” mode (i.e., they become overactive). Recalibrating the adrenal glands and restoring them to their natural rhythm can be a life-changing reset.

  • 90 mins

    This powerful treatment creates a deeply relaxing and restorative result. Clients share that it feels like a massage from the inside—with effects lasting longer than a traditional massage. Using on-the-body techniques, we run sound vibrations through the spine, head, face, arms and legs, working with the meridian end points in the hands and feet. As sound currents travel through the skeletal system and tissues, they open up space, create harmonious energetic flow, and facilitate extreme relaxation.

    *SMF must be conducted in person

Gift Certificates are also available. Share the power of coherence with friends, family & loved ones. 

Customize your session with any of these additional features:

· Scar Work 

· Diaphragm Release Technique 

· Sacral Stabilization 

· Spine Walk 

· Joint Work 

· Tuning Organs 

Biofield Tuning sessions can also be conducted from a distance and are equally effective.

Click below to see a peer-reviewed article regarding participants with anxiety receiving distance Biofield Tuning sessions.