Hello, I’m Heather McQueen. 

My journey has been guided by an unwavering passion for exploring the realms of health and human potential.

This interest fueled an on-going desire to study a wide variety of wellness approaches over the past decade. My passion around these topics—and my own search for health and wellness—led down multiple paths including my discovery of Biofield Tuning. 

I was immediately drawn to this physics-based approach to wellness, appreciating its unique ability to provide a highly effective, non-invasive technique for adjusting patterns in the body’s electrical system. I’ve witnessed how this powerful method can result in profound and deeply beneficial physical and emotional changes for clients. 

As a certified Biofield Tuning Practitioner, I am excited to bring this incredible healing modality to our community and share its wonderful benefits for restoring wellness, balance and vitality. 

  • “Working with Heather reminded me of the importance of energetically clearing our stuck emotions. Not clearing it is like carrying this heavy load that not only inhibits our potential but constantly pulls our body out of alignment toward disease.”

    —Dr. Yoon Lee, L.Ac., D.Ac.

  • “After just one session, I feel like I shed a lot of what I have been carrying [emotionally] for so long.”

    —Joseph G.

  • “As a skeptic originally, I personally have seen and felt the benefits of her work and highly recommend trying a few sessions with her. She will walk you through your session with patience, professionalism and understanding, tailoring your treatment to exactly what you and your body need.”

    —Liz K.

  • “After my first session with Heather, I immediately felt lighter and brighter. More confident, more connected to everything around me.”

    —Susan N.

  • “As an aging athlete, I have been dealing with joint pain, especially in my left knee and right ankle... I have noticed a remarkable improvement in how my knee feels doing everyday activities such as walking and climbing stairs. My knee also has more strength/agility during my dance classes!”

    —Denise K.

  • “People often refer to ‘helpers’...well here you go. I’ve had one session with Heather and she has stayed with me all these six months later.”

    —Sharon N.

Biofield Tuning sessions can also be conducted from a distance and are equally effective.

Many have found it to be a wonderful tool in helping to build resilience.